How to save money on your car
If we look at financial planning and some of the common expenses that you find yourself spending on, in your top five will be your car. This tells us that it is actually one of the best places to save money. Regular checks Spend time getting to know your car and find out if it […]
How to beat your debt and survive on a low income
With the economy still trying to revive itself, and Covid-19 which resulted in a blow for salaries, many had to learn to survive on a much smaller income than they are used to. To ensure that you still pay your debt and manage through the month, here are a few tips to consider. Prioritise the […]
Teach your kids to save money today
It is important to teach your children the importance of saving money and how to do it effectively. It’s a scary thought to imagine that you won’t be around one day to help them but you can have peace of mind knowing you taught them useful money tips. Piggy bank It’s important to start teaching […]