Why you need a debt counsellor

In difficult times, it becomes too easy to approach lenders for cash flow to get through the month, and before you know it you are drowning in debt. It also used to be easy to manage debt and payments in the past but of recent, consumers are struggling to cope and are paying their creditors […]

How to save for the festive season

With the festive season fast approaching, there is no better time than right now to start looking at your finances, agree on the holiday plans and how you can save. December is a busy period and usually means emptying the pockets. Save on the home-cooked meals Although you may be on leave and really want […]

You’ve lost your job, now what?

The unemployment rate in South Africa has leapt by a staggering 8% since 2010 and is currently the highest it has been at 32.6%. This means the population has never been under more financial stress than right now, as the uncertainty and debt grows. Keeping families afloat is understandably the top priority and everyone is […]