This will depend on your current financial situation as an individual.

Things that will affect your monthly instalment are:

  • The amount of debt you have
  • Your monthly income
  • Your current living expenses
  • What we can negotiate with your creditors

Your monthly repayment will be unique to your situation. Your first step would be to let us do a FREE no-obligation debt assessment. This allows us to estimate what your monthly repayments will be once you are under a counselling program.

You can experience this immediately! After your assessment, we will structure a provisional payment plan for you within 5 days. We will then contact your credit providers to let them know of your intention to consolidate your debt. They will not be allowed to take action against you during the first 60 days from us notifying them.

Each situation is different and unique. For us to lower your monthly instalments, we would need to extend your repayment period. You will be under debt review until all of your creditors are paid up. After which we will provide you with a Clearance Certificate.

Your final repayment plan will give you a breakdown of your creditors, monthly repayments, as well as your last payment date.

No. The aim and goal of Debt Counselling is to be able to come out DEBT FREE. You will not be allowed to accrue further debt whilst on the program. After all creditors have been paid, you will be issued with a Clearance Certificate and then only can you apply for credit again.

In terms of the National Credit Act, as Debt Counsellors, we are allowed to lower your monthly payments by extending your repayment periods and, in some cases, lowering your current interest rate.

As soon as you apply for Debt Review, INFINITE LIFE will notify all your Credit Providers that you are under Debt Review within 5 days and they must, by law, communicate with your Debt Counsellor and not with you directly. Now and then creditors still try to contact clients directly. If this happens, you simply refer them to your allocated Debt Counsellor at INFINITE LIFE.

Realistically, there shouldn’t be discrimination towards someone under Debt Review when it comes to employment opportunities. In fact, it should be viewed more as a proactive approach to ensuring financial wellbeing.

We have seen in times that being under debt review is really not an issue when it comes to applying for a job, unless it is a job within financial industries.

No. Your Debt Counsellor will be the applicant on your behalf. Your allocated attorney will notify the office of the outcome and we will then give you feedback on this.

Whilst under Debt Review, the credit bureaus will have a record of you being on the program. Once you have fully paid up your debt, this record will be removed immediately. No indication of you being under Debt Review will be on record at the bureau. You will be eligible to apply for credit thereafter.

However, if you are not under Debt Review and you are skipping payments, short paying creditors etc. This impacts your credit profile negatively.

The NCR (National Credit Regulator) is the official governing body that regulates and monitors the Debt Counsellors who are registered with the NCR.

Our qualified Debt Counsellors are ALL indeed registered with the NCR. Infinite Life is a well-established company with many years and persons of experience to offer.

You are even welcome to verify one of our Director’s registration number with the NCR directly or on their website.

Registration Number: NCRDC3413