With the festive season fast approaching, there is no better time than right now to start looking at your finances, agree on the holiday plans and how you can save. December is a busy period and usually means emptying the pockets.

Save on the home-cooked meals

Although you may be on leave and really want to stay out of the kitchen, take-outs can be quite costly. It works out much cheaper if you spend the money buying groceries and cook your own meals. This way, you can save more and possibly spend it on something you really need.

Create personalised gifts

Instead of spending hundreds of Rands on gifts, why not consider some home-made presents? For instance, get the kids together to make home-made cards for the family instead of spending the money to buy them. You could also create your own Christmas tree décor instead of purchasing them at the store, or even dig up décor from the previous years.

Create a January saving

Before you start spending money on December holidays, you might want to consider keeping some money aside for January. Remember, the first month of the year tends to be the longest and its when you need more money than you know.

If you have been through your finances and realise that you might need some help, you could always consider debt review. In this instance, you leave the financial pressure and stress to a trusted debt review company. Get in touch with us to find out more about we can relieve you from your debt.

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