If you have mounting debt and struggling to see a way out, debt counselling could be the light at the end of the tunnel you are searching for.
Here are a few reasons why it can be the right choice for you:
One fee, one charge
Wouldn’t you rather have one charge go off your account which covers all your debt instead of several that you sometimes can’t keep track of? Well that’s how debt counselling works. Your counsellor will negotiate with all your creditors on what you owe and debit one fee from your account to cover all of them. It will also be closest to what you can afford, and give you some much-needed breathing room.
Cash on hand
Once you have signed off and are aware of the amount that will be coming off your account, you will be left with enough money in your account to manage the month and afford your day-to-day expenses.
Admin free
Death by admin is a major barrier to getting things done. So, you will be happy to know that once you sign your agreement with your debt counsellor, they will manage everything on your behalf, including court proceedings and dealing with those creditors who continue to call you should that be the case.
If this is what you need to become financially able again, don’t hesitate to contact #InfiniteLife.